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Programs                 Pascal Program Structure

    A Standard Pascal program has the following structure:

         program <name>(<parameters>);

         <label section>
         <const section>
         <type  section>
         <var   section>


           <main body>

    where the following definitions hold:

             <name>   Any legal identifier.

       <parameters>   External files associated with the program. These
                      identifiers should be declared as file variables in
                      the global variable section.

    <label section>   The keyboard LABEL followed by a list of labels (1-
                      to 4-digit numbers, separated by commas and ending
                      with a semicolon).

    <const section>   The keyword CONST followed by one or more constant

     <type section>   The keyword TYPE followed by one more more data type

      <var section>   The keyword VAR followed by one or more variable

      <subprograms>   Any number of procedures or functions.

        <main body>   Any number of statements, separated by semicolons.

    In Standard Pascal, each of the sections above--label, const, type,
    var, and subprogram--can appear only once and must appear in the order
    given. If no such declarations are needed--for example, if you have no
    labels--then you can simply omit that section.

    Turbo Pascal is more flexible in its definition of program structure.
    First, the <parameters> section is neither required nor recognized; if
    put there, it is ignored. Second, you can freely rearrange the order
    of the label, const, type, var, and subprogram sections, and you can
    have multiple instances of each.

See Also: labels constants types variables subprograms
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